Plugin Documentation

Goals available for this plugin:

Goal Description
bonita-project:analyze This mojo runs an analysis on the current project dependencies to detect Bonita specific extensions.
bonita-project:business-archive This mojo builds Business archives from diagram sources.
bonita-project:copy-provided-pages This Mojo first detects if Bonita provided pages (i.e. pages from User Application) are used in project applications. Then resolves used pages (i.e. downloads artifacts from a repository). Finally, it copies pages artifacts to an output folder (to be packaged afterward).
bonita-project:create-bdm-module This mojo creates a bdm module and its submodules in the current project with a Business Object Model descriptor sample file.
bonita-project:create-extensions-module This mojo creates an extensions module in the current project.
bonita-project:extract-configuration This mojo extracts parameters from all the processes found in the project into a single parameters file.
bonita-project:generate-bdm-dao-client This mojo generates the BDM dao client java source code from the given Business Object Model descriptor file.
bonita-project:generate-bdm-model This mojo generates the BDM model java source code from the given Business Object Model descriptor file.
bonita-project:help Display help information on bonita-project-maven-plugin.
Call mvn bonita-project:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
bonita-project:install This mojo looks for unknown dependencies in the current project and look for them in a project local dependency store (.store folder by default). Install missing dependencies found in the local store in the local repository.
bonita-project:merge-configuration This mojo merges given parameters into a Bonita configuration archive.
bonita-project:uid-page This mojo builds UI designer pages from sources.
bonita-project:validate The validate Mojo is used to execute validation criteria on Bonita artifacts sources located in the current project.

It handles the following artifacts:

  • Applications
  • Profiles
  • BDM
  • BDM Access Control
  • Organizations
  • UID Pages
  • UID Fragments
  • UID Widgets

System Requirements

The following specifies the minimum requirements to run this Maven plugin:

Maven 3.6
JDK 11


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:

    <!-- To define the plugin version in your parent POM -->
    <!-- To use the plugin goals in your POM or parent POM -->

For more information, see "Guide to Configuring Plug-ins"